03 September 2010

Abalone - a mollusc of warm seas, with a shallow ear-shaped shell lined with mother-of-pearl.

02 September 2010

Abacus - a frame with rows of wires or grooves along which beads are slid, used for calculating. (Concise Oxford Dictionary)

31 August 2010

Aaron's beard - a name given to the rose of Sharon and other plants.

(Oops, long weekend made me a little lazy there)

23 August 2010

Aaron's beard - a name given to the rose of Sharon and other plants.

20 August 2010

Aardwolf - A black-striped African mammal of the hyena family, feeding mainly on termites. (Oxford Concise Dictionary)

19 August 2010

Aardvark - a badger-sized African burrowing mammal, with long ears, a tubular snout, and a long extensible tongue, feeding on ants and termites. (Oxford Concise Dictionary)

18 August 2010

Hi there! So, I've had this idea for a while. I've been trying my utmost for the past few years to get better at drawing and, in order to learn how to draw a variety of thing, I've decided to draw anything "drawable" in the dictionary from A-Z. So here goes, I'll try to do these daily, and it looks like my first drawing will be an aardvark. Hmmm...