09 January 2012

Hi all. I'm sorry for falling behind with this, the scale has been tipped heavily towards work lately and I've had very little free time, but once again I'm going to start this back up. I think I'll move the blog over to Tumblr instead though for ease of use and, well, I just like it more. :) The new link will be as follows: http://drawingthedictionary.tumblr.com/

05 May 2011

Abela - an East Asian shrub of the honeysuckle family.

03 May 2011

Abdomen - the part of the body containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly.

Abbess - a woman who is the head of an abbey of nuns.

28 April 2011

24 April 2011

21 April 2011

Abaya - a full-length, sleeveless outer garment worn by Arabs.

20 April 2011

Abatis - historical a defence made of felled trees placed together with the boughs pointing outwords.